Group Project

"Isabella's Melody" - Requested by 3 Museos, Mexico

17 SEP 2022

My role

-Game Designer, Level Designer, Art, Particles, Lighting and Post Processing

I initially came up with the idea for the game and pitched it to the rest of the group, I designed the mechanics of the main character and the goal of the game. Worked on the GDD and art Bible at the start of the project, afterwards I focused more on Programming gameplay elements for progression followed by designing the layouts for the 3 levels of the game. I also made some art assets for the game that are shown in the first few levels. Towards the end of the project my focus shifted more on giving life to the project by adding Particles, Unity's 2D Lighting in the levels and I worked on the Post Processing of the game.


This game was requested by 3 Museos and through DAE's applied games we had the opportunity to work on this project. This project ran for around 4 months and we worked on it with 6 people. The goal of the project was to provide an educational but fun game for people to play at one of the Museums in Mexico

This project was so fun to work on, from gathering historic reference to rock solid teamwork. It all just clicked.